C's Precedence Table  

This is the complete and full listing of the C operators.

1 ++
( )
[ ]
Prefix increment
Prefix decrement
Function call and subexpression
Array subscript
Structure pointer
Structure member
left to right
2 !
Logical negation
1's complement
Unary negation
Unary plus
Type cast
Pointer dereference
Address of
Size of
right to left
3 *
Modulus (integer remainder)
left to right
4 +
left to right
5 <<
Bitwise left shift
Bitwise right shift
left to right
6 <
Less than
Less than or equal to
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
left to right
7 ==
Equal test
Not equal test
left to right
8 & Bitwise AND left to right
9 ^ Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) left to right
10 | Bitwise inclusive OR left to right
11 && Logical AND left to right
12 || Logical inclusive OR left to right
13 ?: Conditional test right to left
14 =
< <=
Compound add
Compound subtract
Compound multiply
Compound divide
Compound modulus
Compound bitwise left shift
Compound bitwise right shif t
Compound bise AND
Compound bitwise exclusive OR
Compound bitwise inclusive OR
right to left
15 ,
Sequence point (list separator)
Postfix increment
Postfix decrement
left to right

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